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See how it works, see what goes down, and the people that love you when you’re high, and stop calling you when you’re down. It gave me a chance to be part of a major label system. You know really, it was a beautiful experience. What did you take away from that whole experience? ACCLAIM pinned down the mercurial rapper to talk the industry, his music and his ‘based world’.Īfter the initial success you had with The Pack, you were dropped by Jive Records fairly soon after in early 2008. But unlike the long line of eccentrics that have come before him, the world is listening, even if they can’t quite make sense of it. Courtesy of his viral online presence and absurd lunges at hip-hop’s staid confines, Lil B has become rap’s strangely compelling oddball. With nothing to his name in 2006 but ‘Vans’, an innocuous sneaker ode with The Pack, the rise to prominence of Brandon McCartney has been impressive.

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